This week , I'm gonna write about very interesting topic .. it is about a campaign against exploitation of Environment. This is directly related to you too. I'm in Romania and weeks ago, one of my friend her name is Alexandra talked about " Rosia Montana" events. Firstly, I talked that it is kinda festival of comune or village , but then I noticed that it is important nature campaign supported by UNESCO . The place named Rosia Montana located around Alba Iiula county and protected by UNESCO heritage list as beautiful place. However, Government of Romania is trying to make deal with a golden research Company and trying to destroy this beautiful region. If they do this, a lot of chemical remnant will damage in nature and will leave traces of which compensate is not possible.
So if you want to see what company is tryin to do this, I would give u a link where you can read about them;
and on the contrary to this, a palm of people that gathers from 33 cities of Romania and announcing some events and making manifestations and make their voices hear out by means of Press, media, agencies, meetings, concerts, Tv channels and social medias such as Facebook, twitter , blogspot etc . I want to give you a short brief explanation about Rosia Montana , Alba Iuiula and about who they're if you're interested taking citations ;
Roşia Montană’s Anniversary. 1882 years of historical documentation of the oldest mining settlement in Romania
Roşia Montană, the oldest mining settlement in Romania threatened to be destroyed by a mining project proposal, celebrates 1882 years of historical documentation.With this occasion, Alburnus Maior, the community based NGO from Rosia Montana, together with Bucharest Association and Re.Generation organize on the 6th of February Roşia Montană’s Anniversary, a wide cultural event in the honor of the exceptional natural and cultural heritage of Roşia Montană.
The third edition of Roşia Montană’s Anniversary will take place in more than thirty towns in Romania and abroad and will consist in a program intended to highlight the importance of protecting, preserving and valorizing the cultural heritage of Roşia Montană threatened to be destroyed by the mining project of Roşia Montană Gold Corporation. (1)
For those reasons you read above, a group of people gathered in Piata Sfatului Square in Brasov and opened up a remarkable stand and succeed to draw attention of people in barely 30 minutes. Their name is " Voluntar Brasov" is a organization that helps to community in some aspects including Free items Bazaar, decorating, renovation, helping to poor people, eco- projects , moves against pollution etc. and in my opinion they're successful so far. I have joint them too some months ago and met nice people there.
Anyways, what happened at 7 of february, we met and we carried out pankarts, fliers, afishes etc where is written some basic slogans of Rosia montana on it. We walked through Republici Street in Brasov showing off our banners to local city people and also a flock of Tv cameraman and press was there too to take video of us and also made some interview with some of my friends from Voluntar Brasov.
It was nice.. I enjoyed.. we tied white sheets in our arms ....people were talking and full of suprises.. this was a lesson for people..At the other hand, a document of Rosia montana has been shown in Rockstadt pub and also some presentation about it.
BY the way, Media partners of Save Rosia montana is ; EcoMagazin, Cooperativa Urbană, Green Transylvania,, Şapte Seri, Metalhead,, Banana Society and Romanian Ultras.
For more information, please contact Raluca Dan, Re.Generation telephone 0040 720 371 713 or e-mail: raluca @
Now I want to show you some pictures of R. Montana and Alba in Romania;
ALBA IuLIA.. ROMANIA ( Orasul Alba I. )
And some photos about Manifest from last day on Republici street in Brasov with friends;
If you're interested in Save Rosia Montana, then read more about on their website as I give you ;
(1 )
Also you learn about " Voluntar Brasov" and" Centrul de Voluntariat" from the link below;
and this is video record and view from our manifest ;
I wish you a great following days and thank you for reading and your understanding. ..
See you next time,
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