6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Arriving to Brasov and First Impressions of Romania

Hi nice world people,
I'm writing this letter from Balkans, brasov city where is heart of  Romania. We finally reached to Brasov. Till arriving, it was long trip from Istanbul to Brasov. We took on airplane which is delayed for 1 hour. Then , finally we took off and took on bus to subway and from Bucharest we got long way train to Brasov.
I must say i did not expect such hot and warm weather in Bucharest but we felt it deep. Istanbul was cool and romania made me wet even from first day. but It is ok cause I'm mediterrean boy :)

Romania is nice country and people is as warm as turkish people. May be old generation is lit cold :)
Youngster can speak english at least on basic level that is good.
Anyways we arrived to office of Associatia Colors and we been told what we should do with it. Claudia and  Lucian is world's sweet guy and girl as far as I met them and knew. They gave us new sim cards and some stuff, plus we signed up documents that we're involved in.
Then we went to house which belongs to Oggy and KIKE cause, we don't have house yet here :)
recently I try to learn road to office and roads to centre and square in fact.
One day I should go by myself even tough i lost, it is beneficial :)
We were in Sinaia which is small city near Brasov surrended by high mountains and charming waterfalls.
We visited Loyal Family castle, which seemed to be feodal age in my eyes. Family is too rich and living in their iwory tower :)

Thanks you Luci and Claudia so they showed and translated what Guide said all.
Oggy and Kike , Olga, anna, carmen, sercan and another romanian carmen is nice people :)
Time will show and will tell what we gonna do

I will write later another letter

See you friends
Keep in touch.

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